28 Nov Meet a SheSays Scholar: Maggie Kelly

It was a windy spring night when I had the intuition to go to a She Says meet-up. I’d been wanting to find a community of women who were creating waves in the world through business. Although timid, I took a leap of faith and attended.
When I walked in, I was struck by what felt like a beehive of feminine connection. Women were sipping wine and engaging each other in what felt like a warm, witty, and authentic way. I thought to myself, “Now, this is what I’ve been looking for.” That was the night I decided to apply for the SheSays scholarship.
Filling out the application was a practice of claiming who I am and how I envision my business impacting the world. Currently, I work as a counselor and bodyworker specializing in women’s pelvic health and healing sexual trauma. My office is an intimate and prayerful space where women come to let go of shame and pain and step into their empowerment. They learn to reclaim the goodness of their bodies and their relationship to pleasure. That, in essence, revolutionizes their lives.
What motivated me to apply for the scholarship is a knowing that my vision and business wants to keep growing. Like a mother tending to her child, I’ve got to step up my game, and nourish the next phase. What this looks like is creating forums, online courses, teleconferences, and educational videos. Along with my private practice, I want to bring my work online, and I need digital skills to help accomplish this goal.
When I heard I won the scholarship, my response was both joy and relief. It takes a village to raise a child or a business, and taking classes at Boulder Digital Arts feels like that kind of support.
I can learn new skills. I can get more connected to who I am and how I wish to bring my feminine intelligence into the world.
I am thrilled to join the beautiful beehive in deeper ways.
Donna G
Posted at 19:47h, 03 JanuaryGreat to have you here at BDA, Maggie – and we look forward to seeing you again.