shout out on twitter for women in tech to speak at conferences

More WOMEN speakers: Think there aren’t qualified women in tech? Here are 1,000 names.

We want to see more women leading AND more women in the spotlight for the work they do (not languishing in the shadows). Simply put, there’s absolutely no reason for anyone to experience Manels at conferences anymore (AKA: all male panels).

That’s why we want to make sure you know about this fantastic article from We have serious props for Melanie Ehrenkranz  (@MelanieHannah). She got tired of the status quo – and crappy excuses. Instead she hit Twitter up for suggestions. The results speak for themselves. 

There is great data (as well as a serious list) in the article… well worth the read.

Chart of women vs men speaking time at tech conferences


Next time you find yourself watching a panel of experts discussing the latest in technology, finance, engineering, math or science, ask yourself: Am I looking at a sea of men?

Most likely, the answer is yes. Spotting a woman on a tech panel often feels like a game of Where’s Waldo?. Majority-male panels are nearly ubiquitous in the tech industry — inspiring the blog Congrats, You Have an All-Male Panel!, a game of Female Conference Speaker Bingo and even a cute portmanteau, “manel.”

In March, Goldman Sachs hosted a two-day technology conference in which 93% of the speakers were men. In January 2016, Davos hosted an all-male panel on women’s equality (the woman pictured was the moderator). In April 2016, PayPal held another all-male panel on gender equality

So this month, I set out to find these “elusive” figures in tech.
I put out a call on Twitter, asking for people to send me their recommendations for cis women and others who aren’t normally asked to speak — including women (especially cis women of color and trans women), non-binary folks, and anyone else identifying as LGBTQ.

I got over 1,000 responses in under 24 hours.



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